

In one dark corner of my dreams I lay,,
Wishing and hoping for one thing to come one day.
All about a glimpse of success I can see
For three-fourth of pure imagination of me.

Days are too fast, for me they are too slow
Why until now GOD has never let me know;
A person, a friend whom I asked long ago
Who's willing to understand and care for me too.

Friends are too many, yet they are few
it concerns me more when honesty comes through;
Merry-making they're here; In sorrow they disappear
Leaving all the burdens for me alone to bear.

I don't ask for riches. I don't want fame
For these and some friends are just all the same;
But I look for someone, one who's rich in GOD
For all the things, this meant for me a lot.

Happy Birthday to you Joy,
I hope you'll find peace and joy.
Thank you so much for the love and friendship
I still look upon you though we tend to do things that are dip shit. ;).

happy bday te! senxa na ka. king saturday nemu tlaga ing gift ku. wahaha. sana happy ka ngeni. be happy!;)) atsu ku mu keni para keka. you're still my idol!


trigger off

Gaily I lived as ease and nature taught,
And spent my little life without a thought,
And am amazed that Death,

that tyrant grim,
Should think of me, 

who never thought of him.